SKIRT Pin a piece of elastic (cut off of fairy wings) to one side of the valance, and pull the other end through the casing in the top of valance to gather up skirt. Tie elastic ends together.
Cut top (smaller) part of fairy wings apart from bottom (larger) part and re-shape into petals. Sew each set of two petals at top, onto skirt.Cut fun foam pieces into petal shapes and sew at top, overlapping larger petals.
The top "layer" of the skirt is made of fairy wings re-shaped and tacked/sewn onto green ribbon, tied over t-shirt at hip.
MITTS Cut thumbs off of washing mitts, slip pink scrunchies over cuff.
HAT Cut point off of witch's hat, sew opening shut. Sew ribbon to inside, underside of brim for tying under chin. Cut apart small portion of with wire cutters. fairy wings and re-shape into petals. Sew petals on by sewing where the wire of the petal meets the wire of the brim of the witch hat. Sew fun foam petals to fabric part of witch hat in between the other petals.
I tucked a spray of pink flowers into the waistband to finish off the look.
Ooh, I really like how you used the wings in this costume!