About 3 weeks ago we moved into our new home. (That's why no posts for a while) I knew I was going to have my very own craft room, so when I saw this really large frame from an old mirror on the street, I saw (in my head) a new bulletin board, and I had to pick it up.
I forgot to take a "before" picture, but grabbed my camera and took this picture before it was completely covered with the first coat of Martha Stewart mint green paint.
The next step was painting a second layer of mint green, then a coat of this turquoise green. Because it was on the un-treated wood, it gave a rough surface that was perfect for chalkboard markers (shown in last photo) After the two coats were dry, I went back in and added a touch of pink with a very flat, very "dry" brush. Then rounded the corners of cork tiles and glued them on.
When finished and hung sideways, it looked so much like a giant tag, I just had to add ribbon and a tassel.
Looks great in my new craft room!